Monitor and predict Corrosion Under Insulation

Optimize your CUI maintenance plans with advanced, data-driven CUI Monitoring-as-a-Service with CirruSense by Trisense.

Mitigate Risk

Identify and mitigate potential risks before they occur

Optimize Profitability

Reduce your CUI expenses by 70% to improve profitability.

Reduce Co2 Footprint

Replace only damaged cladding to consume less materials.

Consume Less Energy

Improve heat retention to optimize your energy efficiency.

Conventional CUI maintenance in numbers

Annual cost to the economy
Catastrophic CUI incidents past two decades

The World’s First Proven
IIoT CUI Sensor System

Since Trisense was founded in 2018, we have developed Ex-area certified sensors and cloud solutions for the process industry. The common goals for these solutions are to eliminate waste, improve safety and reduce costs. Using the latest NB-IoT/LTE-M 4G/5G technology, our solutions do not require any local gateways to achieve real-time cloud synchronization. All Trisense solutions are offered on a cost effective Monitoring-as-a-Service subscription based model, making it easier than ever to reclaim control of your CUI expenses.

Latest news


Trisense har blitt valgt av mentorprogrammet Telia Startup

Det er femte gang Telia inviterer oppstartsbedrifter til å være med i mentorprogrammet Telia Startup, og etter en nøye vurdering av innkomne søknader står 10…

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Trisense AS and Aramco enter into an MoU to trial, evaluate, and collaborate on CUI Sensor Data and Processing

Trisense AS, a provider of sensor technology to detect and predict CUI (corrosion under insulation), and Aramco have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to trial and evaluate CUI sensor data and processing from the collaborative CirruSense IIoT platform as a Proof of Concept (PoC).

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Trisense søker Operations Manager

Trisense har fått en rekke pilotkunder og noen langsiktige kontrakter den siste tiden. Kundene er store selskaper over hele verden. Foreløpig er volumene små, men…

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Get in touch with us

Still questioning how CirruSense can be applied to your operation, or do you have other use cases in mind? Let's meet to discuss the possibilities.